Our paper “De novo origins of multicellularity in response to predation” is #2 on Scientific Reports Top 100 list of most downloaded articles of 2019, with 164k accesses.
Tag: Chlamydomonas
New article in The Science Breaker
Postdoc Kimberly Chen has published a lay summary of our recent Scientific Reports paper, in which we showed that predation can drive the evolution of multicellularity in the green alga Chlamydomonas:
Multicellular life is one of the most astonishing wonders on Earth, but why and how does it arise in the first place, and at what cost? To help answer these questions, we exposed single-celled algae to predators and watched them evolve into multicellular life. Within a year, they had formed groups of cells to avoid being eaten – but at a price.
Chen, I-C. K. & M. D. Herron. 2019. Predators drive the evolution of multicellularity. The Science Breaker 257. doi: 10.25250/thescbr.brk257
Predation project on Common Descent podcast
The Common Descent podcast spent a few minutes talking about the new Scientific Reports paper (~18:25-24:30):
New paper in Scientific Reports
A new paper describing the results of a microbial evolution experiment has been published in Scientific Reports. Predation by the filter-feeding predator Paramecium tetraurelia drove the evolution of simple multicellular structures in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii:

From the abstract:
Here we show that de novo origins of simple multicellularity can evolve in response to predation. We subjected outcrossed populations of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to selection by the filter-feeding predator Paramecium tetraurelia. Two of five experimental populations evolved multicellular structures not observed in unselected control populations within ~750 asexual generations. Considerable variation exists in the evolved multicellular life cycles, with both cell number and propagule size varying among isolates. survival assays show that evolved multicellular traits provide effective protection against predation. These results support the hypothesis that selection imposed by predators may have played a role in some origins of multicellularity.
Herron MD, Borin JM, Boswell JC, Walker J, Knox CA, Boyd M, Rosenzweig F, Ratcliff WC. 2019 De novo origins of multicellularity in response to predation. Sci. Rep. 9, 2328. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-39558-8)
New paper in Royal Society Open Science
The paper describing the genetics of the multicellular Chlamydomonas reinhardtii strain that evolved in response to selection on settling rate is published in Royal Society Open Science:

Chlamydomonas multicellularity work mentioned in Science

A news item by Elizabeth Pennisi in Science mentions our work experimentally evolving multicellularity in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii:
[Will Ratcliff’s snowflake] yeast results weren’t a fluke. In 2014, Ratcliff and his colleagues applied the same kind of selection for larger cells to Chlamydomonas, the single-celled alga, and again saw colonies quickly emerge. To address criticism that his artificial selection technique was too contrived, he and Herron then repeated the Chlamydomonas experiment with a more natural selective pressure: a population of paramecia that eat Chlamydomonas—and tend to pick off the smaller cells. Again a kind of multicellularity was quick to appear: Within 750 generations—about a year—two of five experimental populations had started to form and reproduce as groups, the team wrote on 12 January in a preprint on bioRxiv.
New paper in PLoS ONE

Former undergraduate researcher Maggie Boyd has published her analysis of motility in experimentally evolved Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in PLoS ONE:
C. reinhardtii is capable of photosynthesis, and possesses an eyespot and two flagella with which it moves towards or away from light in order to optimize input of radiant energy. Motility contributes to C. reinhardtii fitness because it allows cells or colonies to achieve this optimum. Utilizing phototaxis to assay motility, we determined that newly evolved multicellular strains do not exhibit significant directional movement, even though the flagellae of their constituent unicells are present and active. In C. reinhardtii the first steps towards multicellularity in response to predation appear to result in a trade-off between motility and differential survivorship, a trade-off that must be overcome by further genetic change to ensure long-term success of the new multicellular organism.
Maggie is now a Ph.D. student in Northwestern University’s Biomedical Engineering program.
Boyd, M., Rosenzweig, F. and Herron, M.D. 2018. Analysis of motility in multicellular Chlamydomonas reinhardtii evolved under predation. PLoS ONE, 13: e0192184. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0192184